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Ambrose Austin Breen

This is a place to collect stories and pictures, to share experiences, and remember Amby. Please direct any memories or images for posting to

I miss you more everyday

Posted by Jamie at 12:38pm on Sunday the 16th of March, 2008

There hasn't been a day I haven't cried, I miss you so.  Ambrose, You were and always will be my favorite roommate, confidant, and dearest of friends.  I write you everyday in my jounal; I feel you there reading and crying with me.  No one will ever be able to hug me the way you did.  No one will ever love and accept me for me the way you did.  Remember when, remember when...I can't stop I never will remember all the time we spent having so much fun. I hate nicknames, you always called me Baby Girl and I loved it.  Forever, Ambrose, I will always be your baby girl. 

Someday soon, I'll see you again, warm a place next to you in the after for me. 

I miss you, I need you, I love you and will never forget you.  I promise.



Playing pool

Posted by Ben at 9:45pm on Saturday the 15th of March, 2008

I met Amby in in Arcata in May, 2006. Rose and I went with him to a bar to play pool ("Toby & Jack's").  He struck me as both highly intelligent and
deeply benevolent.  He perceived both the mathematical/physical world
of pool and the social world of charm with equal ease.  He was a rare,
warm, and extraordinary person.

One More Fact About the Wasabi Story

Posted by Rose at 8:57pm on Saturday the 15th of March, 2008

I think Simon might have been wrong when he said that Amby tried the Wasabi that day that he dared me to eat a spoonful.  We were eating at that Japanese restaurant and Ambrose dared me.  It was a big deal:  we had an audience of customers watching us pull off this silly whim of ours.  Well I did ralph in the bathroom after eating a spoonful of that stuff.  It burns!  Amborse was in such good spirits though, and I remember he turned to me and said, "You know Rose, today I am proud that you are my sister".  He said it with such pride, this swelling of his heart, and I'll never forget that sentence. 

When Ambrose lived with me in Arcata two years ago (and saved my life) I remember when he was getting ready to leave (for Nebraska I think).  He packed up all his stuff and turned to me, with that same pride, that same good hearted vocal tone he used when he was happy, and he said, "Good-bye Rose, this was the best visit yet".  That was the last time I saw Ambrose.

I was supposed to see Ambrose when I was in L.A. this past December.  I was so busy with this rigid schedule that I did not see him.  He took off of work for the visit too.  When he called the cell while I was still in L.A., knowing I was not going down to see him, he said in the same voice, "That's okay, but it would have been really nice to see you."  I will never forget how he said it because he seemed so positive and forgiving.  I am so sorry I did not drive down there.  Something I'll have to think about for the rest of my life.  But I know he loved me.  He loved many, many people.  And I can see that many people loved him.  I am proud that he was my brother.


Posted by Ami at 6:02pm on Saturday the 15th of March, 2008

Last night I dreamt that Amby and I were traveling. we got stuck in the rain and made our way through mud and muck to a very ritzy hotel. Amby booked a $500 room for us. I said "Amby, we can't stay here, we'll spend all of our money"  He said "Ami, you have never stayed in a nice hotel, just shut it". So I did. While in the hotel I learned that Jack had hacked into my computer, stolen pictures of me, painted mustaches on them, and was distributing them around town. I started crying ans saying that I had worked my whole life to prevent a thing like this from happening. Ambrose said "you leave Jack to me" and I felt better.

I know this isn't a profound dream or anything. It's just that when I woke up, for about 2 seconds I had forgotton what has happened. Then I remembered and it was very unfair.

I will always regret not telling Ambrose often just how damn cool he was. I assumed he knew.

A little peace and quiet!

Posted by Cousin Kim at 2:25pm on Saturday the 15th of March, 2008

 Shawn and I loved having my  cousins over when we got our first apartment.  We'd take them to cookouts over Shawn's mom's house, to the movies, or we'd just hang out.  My husband is a big kid himself - to put it mildly - so we had a lot of fun with them.   Anyway, one visit with Rose and Amby was not so nice.

As a young boy, Amby was ALWAYS happy, ALWAYS smiling, and ALWAYS full of ENERGY!  (I wonder how much of that changed as an adult!)  On this particular visit (it must have been for 2 nights), I remember being bombarded with questions, and talking, and noise, and more questions, and hyperness beyond what Shawn and I could take.  We begged them just a little peace and quiet... please!!!  

I think it just encouraged them all the more!  Talking, giggling, screaming, questions "What's this...,"  "Why, Why, Why..."   Until, my ingenious, handyman hubby had an idea!  Into the kitchen he went.  Out he came with tape!  He tackled them two down, and put an end - if only temporarily - to our torment.  We laughed, till it hurt, Set them free, and were back to being tortured again.